Use Mid Caps to Make a Positive Difference in Your Portfolio

Discover the untapped potential of mid caps to help enhance portfolio returns.

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Omitting Mid Caps Can Be Costly

Mid-cap stocks have a total market cap of $2.4 trillion,1 yet many diversified portfolios don’t include a mid-cap allocation. What do you miss by skipping mid caps? The potential for enhanced returns.

With our whitepaper, you can:

• Uncover Growth Opportunities
Learn why mid-cap stocks have the potential to outperform large- and small-cap stocks.

 Tap Into the Power of Mid Caps
Discover how mid caps can provide a perfect balance between growth potential and stability.

 Gain Exclusive Insights
Get strategies from experts at State Street Global Advisors SPDR and implement these tactics.

 Empower Your Decision Making
Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to identify high-potential mid-cap opportunities.

1Morningstar, as of March 2023, in Large Blend, Mid-Cap Blend, and Small-Cap Blend categories. Large-Cap Blend has $5.5 trillion, Mid-Cap Blend has $544 billion, and Small-Cap Blend has $510 billion which indicates an overweight to small-caps.

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